This was a dumbo question in my view to which I gave the obvious answer that experience is a collective term for lots of habits of which many are no doubt bad.
This answer got no riposte but I always got the job so it must have sufficed.
But as they say "Out of the mouths of babes and sucklings come great truths". And now looking back on my long career I realise that being in the same job for a long period breeds habits many of which are likely to be bad either to start with or later when they fail to keep up with new developments.
With this in mind looking at the NHS, the doctors both consultants and general practitioners tend to do the same job for 30 odd years - it was this awfrul characteristic that put me off pursuing a clinical career. The likelihood is that these key personnel must get rusty and potentially dangerous with the passage of time. The only remedy must be to have very effective medical audit measures in place to detect those who need re-education or retiring. Do such measures exist one has to ask. Almost certainly not as a universal practice and almost certainly not very effective when they do exist.