Health Matters
The UK counties that are closest to a smoke-free future
Health & Wellbeing
Dec 14th, 2023


  • Richmond upon Thames is the leading county for quitting smoking, with plans to be smoke-free by 2025 and an average reduction rate of 4.7%.  
  • The Shetland Islands and Trafford are second and third most progressive in becoming smoke-free.  
  • London and the Northwest are the most prominent leaders in stopping smoking. 


New data has revealed the UK county that is most progressive in their attempts to quit smoking, with Richmond Upon Thames taking the lead.  

The study, conducted by  Go Smoke Free, analysed eight years' worth of ONS data for all counties in England, Wales and Scotland. It determined the average reduction rate for the smoking population in each county. The research also used each county's estimated 'smoke-free' year to determine a total score for each county.  

 Richmond Upon Thames emerged as the frontrunner, securing an impressive score of 99.9. Estimated to be smoke-free in less than two years, the county also shows an average smoking reduction rate of 4.7%. In 2022, merely 6.4% of the population identified as smokers, reflecting a substantial decline compared to the 11.8% in 2015.   


The Best Counties to Quit Smoking 











Richmond upon Thames 






Shetland Islands 
























Kingston upon Thames 
























Vale of Glamorgan 




Despite a modest population of approximately 22.800, the Shetland Islands have exhibited notable progress, reporting a mere 9.1% of its residents as smokers in 2022. This is 6.7% less of the smoking population observed in 2015. Positioned to achieve a smoke-free status by 2026, this Scottish county secured a commendable second place with a score of 97.3.  


Transitioning to the North West, Trafford claims the third position with an impressive score of 95.6. Notably, it boasts the highest reduction rate recorded so far, standing at 8.0%. Over the period since 2015, the population of smokers in Trafford has undergone a substantial reduction, halving to a noteworthy 8%. However, despite this commendable progress, Trafford is projected to attain smoke-free status by 2028.  


Moving down the list, Septon emerges with an impressive score of 94.9. Anticipated to achieve smoke-free status by 2028, the region demonstrates a commendable decline in its smoking population, registering a reduction rate of 6.9%. With a substantial overall 44.8% decrease in the number of smokers since 2015, they surpass the national average of 23% by a significant margin.  


Securing fifth place is Knowsley, boasting a score of 93.4. Matching Richmond Upon Thames, Knowsley exhibits a consistent reduction rate of 4.7%. Despite initially being considered one of the largest smoking counties in 2015 at 21.4%, the region has made substantial progress, currently standing at 14.8%. Although this figure remains relatively high, projections indicate that it is positioned to achieve smoke-free status within the next five years.  


Rounding out the top ten are Kingston upon Thames at 93.0, Hackney at 92.8, Bury at 92.6, Westminster at 92.3, and Vale of Glamorgan at 92.3.  


Commenting on the findings, a spokesperson for  Go Smoke Free  said, "This research brings to light a remarkable shift in smoking trends across various UK counties. We see the nationwide push for a smoke-free generation, as highlighted by Prime Minister Rishi Sunak's recent legislation."  


"Richmond upon Thames has emerged as a true trailblazer, showing the positive impact of targeted efforts on reducing smoking prevalence. Their remarkable example serves as a beacon for other UK counties, illustrating the path toward a healthier, smoke-free future for our nation." 

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