Health Matters
Individual UK healthcare organisations are losing £544,000 per year on recruitment delays, new research reveals
Dec 19th, 2023


74% of healthcare decision makers champion tech as the solution for faster recruiting, yet just 2% use digital tools 


London, December: Digidentity, a leading digital identity platform for healthcare providers, governments and businesses, has today published new research revealing that 97% of organisations in the healthcare sector are experiencing recruitment delays and the impact this is having on already stretched healthcare staff. 

 Digidentity’s research shows that recruitment delays impact staff in a number of ways, including lowered staff morale, lack of productivity and significant inefficiencies.  

 With the NHS delays reaching record numbers, and winter approaching, reducing waiting times is a key priority. Without the right staff, patient care is impacted. 

 In addition to the adverse effect on staff morale and patient care, recruitment delays are causing financial strain on healthcare providers. In fact, each organisation is spending on average nearly £544,000 annually on locums and overtime to fill staffing gaps. In an industry where budgets are thinly stretched, particularly in the NHS, this cost diverts crucial resources away from essential healthcare services. 

 The healthcare sector recognises that technology can provide a solution to these challenges, with almost three quarters (74%) saying digital tools could streamline the recruitment and identity verification process. Yet only 2% currently make use of such tools. 

 Jonathan Evans, Country Manager at Digidentity, said: “The time it takes for individuals to commence their roles after receiving a job offer is a significant concern, particularly in an industry where professionals regularly transition between roles, trusts, and hospitals.  New identity verification systems are essential for streamlining the recruitment process and improving healthcare services and patient care. 

 “Research shows the most significant delays in healthcare recruitment occur between a job offer and the commencement of work. Insufficient verification processes exacerbate the staffing shortages in the sector. Enhancing and expediting these processes will contribute to addressing recruitment issues within the healthcare workforce." 

 Digidentity is focused on raising awareness of the challenge of delayed time in hiring staff. Delays in recruitment are delaying on-the-ground healthcare support. In response, Digidentity offers a streamlined, accessible digital Right to Work check which assures regulatory compliance and is certified to the UK's Digital Identity and Attributes Trust Framework (DIATF) ensuring staff can start roles simply and easily without delay. 


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