Health Matters
NHS Confederation responds to study suggesting Devo Manc has led to health improvements
Mar 23rd, 2024

Responding to a study suggesting the devolution deals in Manchester have led to health improvements Matthew Taylor, chief executive of the NHS Confederation, said:

“Greater Manchester’s focus on partnerships, integration and joined up long term thinking will offer encouragement to health leaders that a new way of whole system, whole public sector thinking can offer hope to a healthcare system under huge pressure. It is also in stark contrast to some of the current focus on short term targets and is in line with the five- and 10-year strategies that many NHS leaders would like to be following.

“Our members will welcome the study’s findings that there was a drop in alcohol related hospital admissions, first time offenders, hospital admissions for violence and half school days missed. The increase in same-day GP appointments, drop in unplanned A&E attendances and improvement in cancer screening rates is all very promising. 

"It is clearly not a silver bullet, with performance across some metrics deteriorating over the time period. However, there is hope in this study that by moving investment into preventative activity, and in working together across all parts of the public, private and voluntary sectors, there are opportunities to improve the health of our communities.”

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