Health Matters
NHS Confederation responds to the latest British Social Attitudes survey on public satisfaction with the NHS
Mar 26th, 2024

Responding to the latest British Social Attitudes (BSA) survey, which shows public satisfaction with the NHS is at its record lowest, Rory Deighton, director of the acute network at the NHS Confederation, said:


“While these stark findings make difficult but unsurprising reading, they should not take away from all the incredibly hard work of NHS staff caring for patients in the face of a pandemic, industrial action, staffing shortages and a flat revenue settlement in the Spring Budget.


“The fact that a large majority of respondents feel the NHS has a major or severe funding problem shows that the public recognises the challenges that the NHS faces.  


“Despite satisfaction with the NHS dropping to a new low the British public still ultimately believe in what the NHS does and what it stands for, with nearly half of people surveyed saying they support the government increasing taxes and spending more on the NHS. This should be food for thought to politicians ahead of an election.


“We are also hopeful that the recent drop in people on waiting lists could lead to public satisfaction increasing, but our members are under no illusions that the road to recovering services will be a long and hard one in the present climate.


“In order to meet the challenges the NHS needs the right support and resources from government. That is why we are calling on the next government to put in place a 12 -month stabilisation plan, boost capital funding to repair dilapidated buildings and invest in new equipment, and to commit to delivering and fully funding the workforce plan while drawing up an equivalent one for social care.”


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