Health Matters
NHS Confederation welcomes SAS doctors accepting pay deal
Jun 18th, 2024

Responding to the British Medical Association’s (BMA) announcement that SAS doctors have accepted the government’s pay offer Matthew Taylor, chief executive of the NHS Confederation, said:


“Health leaders will breathe a sigh of relief to know that another long-running industrial dispute has been resolved.


“SAS doctors are an essential part of the NHS team and this offer makes clear the value of the new contract offered in recent years to SAS doctors.


“We know that this has always been about more than pay and contract issues but these are important measures of reinforcing the value that the NHS and its leaders put on SAS doctors. This is why it is so important that their work is recognised in October during SAS Week.


“The threat of industrial action still looms over the NHS with junior doctors planning walkouts next week. These are going ahead despite calls from us and politicians to pause strikes during the election period when no resolution can be found. But it is still not too late for the BMA to pause the walkouts and wait for the next government to come to the negotiating table.


“With GPs now voting on whether to work to rule, the NHS and patients could face much more disruption. Ending these disputes must be a priority for the next government.”

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