Health Matters
The increasing issue of the digital divide needs to be seriously addressed
Jun 19th, 2024

Recent studies reveal that many UK families with children are unable to engage in today's digital society due to a lack of online skills, access to devices, data, and broadband. 


The digital divide, the gap between those who have access to technology and those who do not, represents a significant challenge, particularly for individuals seeking healthcare. 


With the growing reliance on digital health services, including telemedicine and online health information, the consequences of this divide are far-reaching and can substantially impact the quality of patient care and health outcomes. This issue may lead to disparities in access to vital healthcare resources, potentially affecting the overall well-being of individuals and communities.


According to Sophie Kynnersley, Transformation Director at Cymphony, limited access to healthcare can have severe consequences on overall health outcomes, with patients more likely to experience delays in receiving necessary treatments, have higher rates of preventable diseases, and face increased mortality rates compared to those with adequate access to healthcare.


"Patients who do not have access to reliable internet or digital devices encounter significant obstacles in scheduling appointments, engaging in telehealth consultations, and using online health resources. This worsens the already existing health disparities, significantly impacting low-income individuals, older people, and those in rural areas. Patients who cannot schedule appointments online might experience delays in receiving care, resulting in worsened health conditions and more frequent hospital visits”. 


Digital health services depend on electronic health records (EHRs) to gather comprehensive patient information. Patients must engage with digital platforms to ensure their records are complete.


"Incomplete records can directly impact the continuity and quality of care that patients receive. This can lead to gaps in care. Only complete electronic health records can lead to accurate patient information, otherwise, they may result in misdiagnoses, medication errors, and compromised patient safety."


“Patients needing help with digital platforms may feel frustrated and disengaged from their healthcare. Difficulty navigating digital systems can lead to dissatisfaction and feeling neglected by the healthcare system.”


Bobbi Harris, Project Manager at Cymphony, added: “Struggling with digital platforms can leave patients feeling disconnected and frustrated with their healthcare. Difficulty navigating these systems leads to dissatisfaction and a sense of being neglected by the healthcare system. Decreased patient engagement and increased medical errors can lead to poorer health outcomes. To tackle this issue, healthcare providers should focus on developing user-friendly digital platforms, along with opportunities to communicate with a real person via telephone, in order to meet the specific needs and preferences of patients."


"Many mental health services have moved online, but individuals without digital access may struggle to get timely support, which could worsen mental health problems. This is serious because mental health issues can lead to physical health problems and even suicide.


“Action needs to be taken to ensure that everyone can access the mental health services they need. Cymphony's communication offering allows users to communicate with real people over the phone, removing physical barriers and providing a convenient option for those who can't access traditional health services. 


“By addressing these implications with targeted strategies and policies, the healthcare system can work towards ensuring that the benefits of digital health services are accessible to all, regardless of their digital capabilities or socioeconomic status.”

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