Health Matters
NHS Confederation responds to ADASS annual spring survey 2024
Jul 15th, 2024

Responding to the ADASS annual spring survey 2024, Sarah Walter director of the NHS Confederation’s Integrated Care Systems Network said:


"This survey reflects what ICS leaders see in their local areas where the lack of social care provision, funding and workforce continues to put pressure on NHS services, and more importantly mean many people are not receiving the best possible care in the most appropriate setting.


"The integrated working between the NHS, local authorities and beyond which ICS facilitate and drive is critical for meeting the health needs of the population. ICS have an important opportunity to ensure people can receive truly person-centred care in the coming years, and that’s why it’s critical the new government resists the urge to undertake top-down reorganisation of the health service. Instead, ICS, including social care providers, must be empowered with resource and political trust to move their work forward.


"There’s much to welcome in what the new government has set out in their intended plans for social care – given workforce shortages, the measures set out for a National Care Service are welcome, including on ensuring standards, which will help to improve care whilst providing a secure and rewarding career for people in our communities.


"We look forward to the publication of Skills for Care’s Social Care Workforce Plan and hope the government will give it thoughtful consideration. A plan for the social care workforce has been a key call of our members in previous months.


"ICS leaders work closely with Directors of Adult Social Care in local authorities across England and know how difficult their roles have been, particularly over the last few years. They look forward to continuing to work with them and benefitting from their expertise, as we at the NHS Confederation will continue to work was ADASS to influence the new government to deliver the ambition they have set out for social care and beyond."

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