Health Matters
Lord Darzi report: NHS tech expert calls for immediate digitisation of the NHS
Sep 12th, 2024

Jonathan Patrick, CEO of Consultant Connect said:
“It’s promising to see Lord Darzi’s report calling for the rapid digitisation of the NHS. For too long the NHS has been a complete mishmash of different systems that don’t work together, it needs to change. Some of the computer code dates back to the 1980s and many places rely on admin personnel to do things on paper that tech can do automatically.
“We need technology that gets the most out of the doctors and hospitals we have. We should prioritise technology that improves communication between different bits of the NHS. I’ve seen first hand how this can streamline care, avoid unnecessary hospital admissions and ensure patients who need urgent treatment get it. 
“The government should implement the best tech at a national level and ensure that it is rolled out across the whole of the NHS. The tech needs to be joined up and outdated systems axed. It is the only way we will see true transformation in the NHS, save money and care for those in society that need it most.

For background, Consultant Connect is an app which allows primary care clinicians such as GPs and paramedics to call consultants for advice and guidance. It currently covers 40 million patients and is available to more than 5,000 GP surgeries and over 9,500 consultants. In 2023, the technology led to 400,000 patients avoiding an unnecessary trip to hospital. 

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