Health Matters
Unable to access treatment and dependent on painkillers: The UK’s back pain crisis
Oct 22nd, 2024


  • Almost 1 million now out of work, with nearly 1-in-5 reporting their condition worsening due to long waitlists

  • A further 1-in-3 now can’t get through the day without pain medication


A new national research report released by Alvica Medical, a leading medtech company specialising in orthopaedic rehabilitation technologies, has unveiled that the UK currently finds itself in a back pain crisis with the public health service unable to cope. Worryingly, almost 1-in-5 (18%) of sufferers say their condition has actually worsened due to long waitlists and inability to access treatment, with a further 30% now being reliant on pain medication. Serving as testament to this, The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP) found waiting lists for treatment for ­musculoskeletal (MSK) problems such as back, neck and knee pain have grown by 27% since January last year.


In addition to becoming a public health emergency, the back pain crisis has now become an economic one too. Official figures show that nearly 1 million Brits suffer from neck or back pain which leaves them completely unable to work. Back pain related welfare costs have tripled to £1.4 billion a year in 2022-2023 and Alvica Medical’s research highlights the economic impact runs much deeper, with a mind-blowing 55% of back and neck pain sufferers stating their condition caused them to call in sick in the past 12 months.


Alvica’s research also reveals that without urgent action, this crisis will only pick up further momentum, with just under two-thirds (63%) of the entire nation saying they have experienced back pain in the past 12 months and over 1-in-5 (21%) saying it has affected their ability to work. Due to a current inability to access treatment, those with minor back pain may see this issue further deteriorate and develop into a more serious condition.


Alvica Medical CEO/Co-Founder Carolina Fransen, explains what is behind this rise and what must be done to address the growing crisis:

“The rise in back pain across the UK can be attributed to several factors, including an increasingly sedentary lifestyle, more people working from home in non-ergonomic environments, and the growing pressures of working longer hours. Coupled with rising obesity rates, which are often linked to musculoskeletal issues, the demand on the healthcare system has become unsustainable.


“It’s alarming to see so many people unable to access the care they need. Our research highlights how long waitlists for treatment are leaving sufferers to manage their pain alone, with many turning to pain medication as a temporary fix. This not only increases the risk of dependency but also leads to worsening conditions that could have been prevented with early intervention.


“At Alvica, we believe technology is key to addressing this crisis. By providing greater access to advanced orthopaedic devices and personalised rehabilitation solutions, we can offer effective alternatives for those waiting for treatment. Our goal is to give people the tools they need to manage their pain and recovery, reducing reliance on medication and preventing conditions from worsening.

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