Health Matters
Dilapidated estates hampering mental health sector to provide therapeutic care
Oct 23rd, 2024

Responding to a new report from the Health Services Safety Investigations Body (HSSIB) into its investigations into mental health inpatient settings and recommendations, Dr Layla McCay, director of policy at the NHS Confederation, said:


“Our members recognise many of the important issues raised in this report and will welcome its recommendations aimed at making therapeutic care a priority and ensuring it is delivered so that mental health patients feel safe on wards and units.


“As this report highlights, the mental health sector has been struggling to meet rapidly rising demand for care, hampered by the dilapidated state of the sector’s estates.  The mental health estate has been overlooked for decades, with more than 15 per cent of buildings over 75 years old. Many are no longer fit for purpose, which might not only put patients at risk but make it more difficult for staff to provide the care they want to. This has the domino effect of inhibiting recovery and leads to longer length of stays and poorer outcomes for patients.


“The recent Darzi report emphasised just how starved for capital the NHS has been, while recent figures have shown the cost to eradicate backlog maintenance has grown to £13.8 billion. We are calling for an annual rise in capital funding of £6.4 billion each year so that our members can repair crumbling estates, replace out of date equipment and invest in the latest digital technology.


“Improving the level of therapeutic care is also key to the success of the expected Mental Health Act (MHA) reforms. An urgent review is needed of the mental health estate along with a strategic implementation plan to increase the workforce and to ensure all patients are treated with dignity.


“The government's upcoming Budget and 10-year plan are a fantastic opportunity to address these issues and provide additional resources to support the implementation of the MHA reforms and long-term workforce plan.”

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